The entire retail industry has long known the power of fundraising, and with good reason. Over 87% of customers in a recent study indicated an increased propensity to visit a business that supported their desired cause. However, business owners seeking to grow their business while supporting their community have also run into problems, such as a lack of transparency over donation accounting (whether real or perceived) and difficult to measure ROI in relation to the substantial effort to plan and organize fundraisers. Most striking to us is why the vast majority of fundraisers seem to focus around a one day event rather than run all the time every day of the year. If businesses are open every day, shouldn’t non-profit members be encouraged and rewarded to visit every day? We think so.

Preferred Loyalty’s Fundraising program complements any existing cause marketing strategy by helping business owners setup a system that not only rewards customers on an individual level to encourage higher spending and frequency, but also donates back to the customer’s charitable organization after every visit. Unlike traditional fundraisers that might be “One Day” or “One Week Only” our system is designed for attracting fundraising business every day of the week, all year round. Better yet, the program does not require any planning, any expense, any volunteers or selling on behalf of the non-profit. Non-profit leaders are issued a logon ID through a secured 3rd party website to audit donations. More importantly, there’s NO EXPENSE to the business owner until AFTER the members visit the location and pay full price.
INTRIGUED? We cannot explain this incredibly powerful program on a single webpage. Please review our slideshow, PLS Rewards Fundraising Guide, for complete details.